Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final Design

My design is finished and I'm quite happy with it.

Although I did not use the alcohol bottle image I uploaded a while ago as it didn't fit with the design, I managed to recycle the images and make backgrounds by using gausian blur and inverting the colour to creat constrast.

My Information

All my information has been re-written now and placed in to InDesign.
I am now just fine tuning and fixing any small things that need to be fixed to make my design perfect.

"If all your mates are drinking at a party and you don’t want to you can feel left out, it’s not usually as simples as saying “no thanks.” Some people drink because they want to fit in.
If you really don’t want to drink and you keep getting pressured, try coming up with an excuse not to drink such as “I’ve got a hockey game tomorrow” or “My granddad was an alcoholic.”

If you’re one of a group of people who don’t want to drink, make sure you have a signal to tell each other when it’s time to leave and stick together.

If you’re the one throwing the party be considerate for everyone going make sure there are non-alcoholic alternatives such as Coke, or fruit juice. Provide sober areas for people aren’t drinking."

How Alcohol Effects You.
"Alcohol is a mood altering drug. Meaning it lifts your mood in certain amounts.

But it can also have negative affects on the brain, body and other people. When you drink your coordination, judgement, reflexes, memory and vision are all reduced a considerable amount, making it harder to do simple tasks.

If a person consumes large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis it can affect your health, especially your liver. It is absorbed in to your blood steam which travels around every organ in the body.

Life threatening illnesses such as cancer can also be a result of heavy drinking.

31% of all traffic related deaths of people aged from 15 – 20 were a result of drunk driving. Because of alcohols affects, it makes it harder to drive, putting you and others at risk. In some cases alcohol can make people violent."